
Togo Mission

September 2023

Assessment of Hospitals: Central Hospital University

Toured Radiation Therapy Center

Delivery of donated MinXray portable X-ray machine

Delivery of donated VistaScan Hand-held Ultrasound

Began implementation of Radiology PACS system at Ahepe

Field Shots from Togo,

September 2023

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Photo Captions

Donation of new MinXray Digital X-ray at Ahepe Public Hospital

Setting up the Digital Cassette for the MinXray

Doctor receiving new donated VistaScan ultrasound

Old broken X-ray room at Central University Hospital

Togo, Africa

October 2022

Assessment tours of hospitals: Sylvanus Olympius University, Ahepe, Autel D’elie, Kpalime, Tabligbo.

Initial Engagement with University of Lomé and the Radiology Residency of Togo

Developed relationships with Ministry of Health

Field shots from Togo,

October 2022

Photo Captions

HRD Corps Team Photo - Dulles Airport during Covid-19 Pandemic

Ahepe Grade School

Worn Ultrasound probe

Old X-ray room still works!